Julian and Carol Jackson Ministries (JCJM) Global
Hello friends, welcome to our website. The Lord has commissioned us as a husband and wife team with His grace to heal, empower, and set captives free from bondage; equip them to be excellent servant leaders in their work and/or ministry, and fulfil the great commission. We equip and connect the body of Christ through our Global Prayer & Worship Movement, the King's Daughters, empowerment and leadership training, books, blog and more. We can speak, train, and lead worship at small or large meetings and conferences in person or virtually.

Meet Julian and Carol
Julian and Carol are ministers, teachers, and worship leaders ordained under Churches in Communities International (U.K.). Together they have been in ministry for 20 years, functioning in pastoral, worship, prayer, prophetic and healing ministries in the Caribbean, USA, UK and SE Asia.
​They are both professionals and global citizens, and with their two teenage boys, they have lived in the Caribbean and are currently in Southeast Asia.
To equip and empower servant leaders to impact their workplaces, communities and nations for God's kingdom.
We desire to use all of the resources God has given us to equip, empower, save, heal and restore individuals, communities and nations.
Core Values
Love, commitment, obedience, sacrifice, intercession, worship, health and wholeness, justice, excellence.