Are you experiencing famine? Many are! Yes, we see the obvious..price hikes in the supermarkets, price hikes at the gas pumps and people who genuinely struggle daily to eat and provide for their families.
However, we may be less aware of a more dangerous famine..that the word of God and the hearing/heeding to His word is absent.
Instead we see another law at work. “I gotta look out for me!” The hustle is real and there are those, from all walks of life, who will do whatever it takes to survive.
Those of us who know Christ, let us not keep the Word just hidden inside of our hearts, or keep it in the four walls of our churches. People are starving for God’s word. They may not know it..but they are starving. The real famine is a famine for the word of God.
Matthew 10:27 NIV What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.
Help bring healing, direction, salvation and deliverance. Speak the word of God into someone’s life today. Pray the word of God over them. Give godly advice according to God’s word. While helping to meet felt needs, let us help meet the spiritual needs of a starving world. Only the word.. living and active, brings life!!
Have a blessed day my sisters.
Worship for today: Jeremy Camp – Word of Life
Carol-angel Jackson