John 11:25 “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. Do you believe this?“

Hello my friends,
Today I want to share some great news with you! Jesus is a miracle working God with utmost power over death! The Lord wants to assure us of this for the times we are in. When we look around, there is much fear, sickness, chaos and death and many are experiencing extraordinary distresses. Nevertheless, all is not lost! You can live again! You can emerge stronger! With faith and hope in Jesus, new life is yours by His resurrection power!
When Jesus died on the cross for our sins and was buried, it looked like the darkness had won but He didn’t stay there! Through the power of the Holy Spirit He was raised up and in that single act, He demonstrated for us, the reality of His power to overcome death in every form – physical, emotional and spiritual! Just as a seed goes into the ground and first dies before new shoots emerge, even so, Jesus set a precedent for all who believe.
In Luke 8: 43 – 48 Jesus met a woman who was bleeding for 12 years. She tried every treatment doctors could give but no-one could help her. Yet when she met Jesus, she was healed of that deep rooted sickness, that entangled and pulled her down to the grave! She touched Him and He said “I felt power leave me” – Luke 8:46. This is His resurrection power which is available to us today. Jesus will heal, save and deliver you! No situation, circumstance or pandemic is more powerful than He is, regardless of how extensive or deep-rooted it is! I can testify to this! I experienced this resurrection power at my birth. My mother was like that woman! At 7 months pregnant, she bled profusely and I was still-born. Yet, Christ’s resurrection power was at work and just like Lazarus, Jesus called my name and I was revived!
Invitation: Jesus loves you and died to set you free from sin and death. He is asking you this question today – Do you believe? The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead wants to fill your life with His power! Even as you are reading these words, regardless of challenges you’ve faced, mistakes you’ve made, anxieties, disappointments or illnesses you may be struggling with, reach out in faith and say “Yes Lord! I believe! I want to rise up and live again! Fill me with new life through your resurrection power!” If you do not know Him and would like to receive Him into your heart today, say this prayer: “Lord I confess that I am a sinner. Please forgive my sins. I believe that you died for me so that through you, I may have eternal life. I believe that You are the resurrection and life. Come live in my heart and I receive now your gift of salvation! Thank you! Amen!
If you said this prayer, or if this devotional has encouraged you, please comment below or go to our contact page and connect with us so that we can continue to pray and support you. We pray that you will find a church to fellowship and grow in faith with other believers, if you haven’t yet. God bless you! We look forward to hearing from you!
May the resurrection power of Jesus be released over you! Sicknesses be gone and every dead thing come alive! I speak life, deliverance and healing over you! In Jesus Name!
Worship: Enjoy this song “Resurrecting” by Elevation worship
By Carol Hull-Jackson